Friday, 23 November 2018

week 1 ready set go

Image result for canada flag
i choose Canada my reasons is because the view of the mountains and big blue lakes  

polar bears. 



mountains tops.

Friday, 19 October 2018

tin foil boats #1 of meny to cume

today we made tin foil boats  we were in groups of three me and my two friends first boat was a disater it only holed one glass ball but the second was a diffract design and it worked because we got help it holed twenty two 

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

using simple python syntax

today i have been learning digital teck we have been doing python syntax we had to changes the color and you can changes the size you can changes the speed     

Monday, 2 July 2018

ben and mark boys of the high country

i have not read to much so i dont now whats going to hatpin. 

Monday, 25 June 2018

boys in the pond


 Last Friday Mr Wood kicked us out of the class room and we went to the pond in the garden! (cheers Mr Wood :-)  There were five of us including Mr B. Me and Reagan had waders on Cohen and Jordan did not . We all got muddy! We  had a great time. We were pulling out all the weeds but we didn't get finished so we will finish next Friday. The funny part was when Luke could not get a weed out he pulled and pulled but when he got it out it swung and hit me in his face!!! i got so covered in mud.

Friday, 22 June 2018

    I thought i slowly work through this task with Mr woods help yesterday and now today i got the hang of it and it was easy i shared my ides with other people  i keep work  even  when it got hard and never gave up.       

my waiting writing

Friday, 15 June 2018

maths blotch

This week for maths we had a problem called blotch to solve it you had to colour in the whole squares with blotch it was easy and making mistakes made it easier to finish.   I had cont to get the answer for the first one. i had a go and made mistakes and then get it right.